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Broken, Yet Whole

We have been taught to hide brokenness, to not let anyone know that we aren’t perfect. Don’t let anyone know that you have weaknesses. Be strong, be perfect, don’t make mistakes and if you do, don’t tell anyone. Keep all of it to yourself.

But what they don’t realize is that God is the exact opposite. He embraces brokenness, and our weaknesses. He says that in our weaknesses that is when His power is strong. Not when we are perfect, not when we never make mistakes, but when we are totally and completely broken. That is when His strength is shown in us.

We are in a season that requires doors to be opened and things to brought into the light no matter how bad they look or feel. We can’t keep hiding who we really are. Because it is our brokenness that draws us closer to the heart of the God. It reminds us that we are totally lost without Him. In the garden we think that Adam and Eve were perfect and whole on their own. They weren’t, we seem to forget that the one thing that they left in the garden that left a mark was not their sinlessness, or wholeness, it was their relationship with God.

We need to return to a dependency on the Lord. To a life that flows through Him. That walks beside Him daily. We weren’t created for life apart from Him. He is life. Anything we have outside of relationship with Him is death, but He loves us too much to make us love Him. He has given us a choice. The ability to choose life or death. I often forget that choosing life is so much more than just believing His Son died. It is daily choosing to walk beside Him, to depend on Him to allow my life to flow through Him into every part of my being, for His breath to fill my lungs.

I am so tired of settling for the life that is a counterfeit. It looks real, it smells real, it feels real, but it couldn’t be more fake. If I don’t find joy in it, if I can’t see life in it, if I don’t see Him in it, it’s not real. The enemy is so good at making us believe the fake is the real thing, but when you know Him catching the counterfeit couldn’t be easier. He gave us the ability to use all our senses to know Him, and often we choose to only use one or two if any, but the less we use our senses to truly know the Lord the easier it will be for the enemy to trick us with something that looks right or sounds right.

I want to embrace every part of myself that desperately needs God to live. And all of things that say they are ok without the Lord, I want to cut off, because I don’t want anything in my life that can be independent from God. Anything that is not dependent on Him is dead, because He is life.

I want Him to teach me to be open and honest with other believers, to lay it all on the table, to not hide any more. The more I bring my brokenness into the light, the more healing He will bring to those areas of my life. Keeping those things in the dark is the same as keeping it from the Lord. And anything I keep from Him, He can do nothing with. Only those things that are surrendered will He transform.

It is time to come out of the dark into the light, lay it all on the table, and surrender it all to be made right before the Lord in His timing and His way. It is time to embrace our own weaknesses and brokenness and others. This is the only way we will find true life, wholeness and joy.

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